Module Features

The following options are applicable to the Posh Predictive Text module. Options specific to each command line tool are listed on the page for each command.

List of Support CLI commands

To get a list of CLI commands supported by Posh Predictive Text.

Get-PredictiveTextOption -ListCommands


To get the version of Posh Predictive Text

Get-PredictiveTextOption -Version

Initialisation Script

When posh predictive text is installed it runs a PowerShell script to register an argument completer. This script is executed by Install-PredictiveText and can be printed using the following command so that the code can be reviewed.

Get-PredictiveTextOption -PrintScript


Logging is not recommended.

The release version of Posh Predictive Text supports limited logging to a file to facilitate problem resolution. To set up logging the following command identifies the log file to which records are written and the level of logging required (INFO, WARN, ERROR).

Set-PredictiveTextOption -LogFile C:\temp\logfile.txt -LogLevel INFO

The path to the log file must exist - folders will are not created automatically and logging will not start if the log file cannot be created.