Class: CommandAstVisitor

Note: Neither Doxygen nor sphinx-csharp support Python record types. Introduced in C# 9.

Once record types are recognised then details for Token will appear below.

The token is a record with the following values:

  • readonly string Value - Text representing a token on the command line.

  • readonly Type Type - The type of the token.

And the following read only properties which return true if the record is the indicated type:

  • bool IsCommand

  • bool IsCommandExpression

  • bool IsCommandParameter

  • bool IsStringConstantExpression


doxygenclass: Cannot find class “PoshPredictiveText::Token” in doxygen xml output for project “PoshPredictiveText” from directory: /home/docs/checkouts/

class PoshPredictiveText.CommandAstVisitor : AstVisitor

Implements a visitor for the PowerShell abstract syntax tree. Reads the input no the command line and creates an ordered list of tokens representing user input.

Public Functions

override AstVisitAction DefaultVisit (Ast ast)

Default action if the token has not been processed by a more specific token handler. Adds the token text with a generic text type.

Param ast

Node in the abstract syntax tree.


Flag to continue processing the abstract syntax tree.

override AstVisitAction VisitCommand (CommandAst commandAst)

Process commandAst node in the abstract syntax tree. Does not process this node and skips to next node in the tree.

Param commandAst

Node in the abstract syntax tree.


Continue to next node.

override AstVisitAction VisitCommandExpression (CommandExpressionAst commandExpressionAst)

Process CommandExpressionAst node in the abstract syntax tree. Add a token to the list of tokens on the command line.

Param commandExpressionAst


Continue to next node

override AstVisitAction VisitCommandParameter (CommandParameterAst commandParameterAst)

Process CommandParameterAst node in the abstract syntax tree. Add token to the list of tokens on the command line.

Param commandParameterAst

Node in the abstract syntax tree.


Continue to next node.

override AstVisitAction VisitConstantExpression (ConstantExpressionAst constantExpressionAst)

Process ConstantExpressionAst node in the abstract syntax tree. Add token to the list of tokens on the command line.

Param constantExpressionAst

Node in the abstract syntax tree.


Continue to next node.

override AstVisitAction VisitStringConstantExpression (StringConstantExpressionAst stringConstantExpressionAst)

Process stringConstantExpressionAst node in the abstract syntax tree.

Identifies Gnu/Posix formatted parameters which start with a double dash and reclassifies them as CommandParameterAst type.

Adds token to the list of tokens on the command line.

Param stringConstantExpressionAst

Node in the abstract syntax tree.


Continue to next node.